Drink Driving

Drink driving is a serious offence in Hong Kong, with stringent penalties designed to deter this dangerous behaviour. Understanding these penalties is crucial for all drivers to ensure they stay within the law and keep the roads safe for everyone. The current prescribed limit for alcohol levels in Hong Kong is: (1) 22 mcg of…

Defendant’s Lies

As a matter of law, a defendant’s lie in itself can never prove guilt. In the majority of cases where a lie only affects a defendant’s credibility and does not support the prosecution’s case, a direction on lies is unnecessary or can be inappropriate. However, where there is a risk that the jury may regard…

Interview with Hong Kong Commercial Times

Your browser does not support the video tag. Our partners Eric Tang and Yvonne Ku recently engaged in an interview with the Hong Kong Commercial Times, where they shares insights into their areas of practice. If you or someone you know is facing criminal investigation and want to know how we can assist you, please…

Best Law Firm Award 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Tang & Ku has been honoured with the title of Best Law Firm 2024 by the Hong Kong Commercial Times. The awards presentation held on 14 March 2024 brought together leaders and executives of the business world, celebrating achievements and excellence across various industries. Tang & Ku’s journey began…